
Week Start Up Specials: To Begin / Smashing Magazine

As the saying goes, the most difficult part of every process, is knowing where or how to begin.

So with that in mind, we are currently gathering bits and pieces of various topics of interests, bones of potentially wonderful things. Things that if done (w)right(e), then, it would feel right.

There is so much coming up and going on I can't even begin to tell you how excited we are for this year. Everyday, we discover something new and we can't wait to share it with you in time...starting....now.


But to start off this...ahem, very FIRST Start Up Special, featuring an internet haven that is visited quite often, and it never fails to help out in the toughest fix in web and graphic design.

Smashing Magazine is that site.

Their Archives, which you can search anything within range of their vast database, is chock-full of helpful hints, tips and inspiration resources that is recommended highly for anyone who is on the verge of creativity dry spell or is simply stumped on a difficult or unfamiliar code.

Founded in September 2006, their aim is to inform readers, designers and developers of various fields with updates on the latest trends, techniques and styles in Web Development. What they make up from Quantity, is focused on Quality. Their staff is comprised of experienced professionals who offer nothing but efficient, useful and informative facts that helps and refresh.

Such sites help designers and developers gain a new found sense of knowledge and an instant resource center for any problems in the near future.

Wonderful stuff I tell 'ya.

For this week, take a break from the usual humdrum and go for random surfing. Type in Google Search on what peaks your current line of interests lately and delve to it as much as you can. You may never know what sort of off-handed occasion that a random info might come in handy. Plus, it relaxes your mind while you do random surfing even for just 5 minutes. It helps...trust me. :P

Good Luck and a happy week,


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